
Anthony is a professional trance Reptilian channeler and contactee mainly and exclusively co-creating with THETA TAURI and KALASK races taking pride in forwarding authentic interstellar and celestial intelligence to those with an open mind desiring higher forms of galactic and Reptilian information.

He is a proud speaker on the subjects of ET ED contact, Reptilian consciousness, channeling and the current involvement of other off-planet species with humanity. He is known for his boldness, uniqueness, full transparency & deep diving into some of the most unique interstellar fields and topics.

He proudly holds a recognized position in the professional channeling industry as a very  outspoken THETA TAURI Reptilian trance channeler and speaker who always provides actionable insights and authentic interstellar intelligence to help people surpass their limits – both personally and socially imposed – and the limiting beliefs and illusions stemming from internet based misinformation and disinformation.

He is commonly known as a speaker who covers topics of secrets of human incarnation and Soul, galactic and celestial intelligence, along with standard human weaknesses, resistances, programming and conditions including hidden truths about ancient advanced civilizations.

Anthony’s mission, goal and deepest excitement is to personally connect and communicate with the most dominant and recognized consciousnesses in the Galaxy regardless of their appearance, density levels or energy orientation. These consciousnesses include Reptilian, Alpha Draconian and Humanoid beings all of whom who reside in different realities, dimensions and densities. Anthony then proudly forwards the profound information conveyed by these beings to humans in order to to assist them, help them and to inspire them to grow outward mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

His goal is to build a bridge via authentic trance channeling between open-minded humans and ET ED races and along the way help others create deeper connections with themselves and interstellar energies to create a greater and more positive impact on the world. He sees authentic trance channeling as an extraordinarily rewarding avenue by which to ignite the powerful consciousness inside of him to push his own human limits as well as a powerful tool to open and connect all of the parts of himself and the different layers of his own Lower fractal, Higher fractal, Oversoul and galactic family.

His conversations go far beyond the boring and standard new age “5D-Love-Light-Unicorn-Rainbow” conversations done repeatedly in the industry, yet Anthony strictly focuses on empowering humans with true and authentic wisdom and teachings from his own galactic counterparts including true Earth’s history and human multidimensional DNA.

Expect to find answers even to the questions you didn’t even ask when speaking to Anthony as his detailed and bold explanations will shock and make you question your entire human 3D existence and your current incarnation here on Earth.

Anthony will not discuss ways to help you feel safe, shy and comfortable in mediocrity and fear-based thinking. He will not co-sign on your fake ideas and incorrect information.  Anthony will discuss how to challenge human beliefs and limits in life while exploring dominant ways to infuse truth, empowerment, fearlessness, courageous decision-making, excitements, confidence, bravery and pride into daily life along with thought-provoking segments of authentic Galactic intelligence and channeled information.

His knowledge is obtained directly 1-on-1 from trance channeling, contacts and direct communicating with Reptilian races including THETA TAURI and KALASK.

This knowledge includes a vast amount of deep galactic and celestial Reptilian subjects, planetary conflicts and trading, hybridization programs and off-planet technologies, functionality of portals and craft visitations, as well concepts of maximizing human potentials and dimensional limitations, enabling higher percentages of telepathy and DNA access, integration and incorporation of ET ED consciousness, integration of lower and higher Soul layers into daily 3rd Density layer, detection of astral avatar insertions and Artificial Intelligence hijacking.

European & Emirates Tour 2023

In September and October 2023, Anthony travelled across Europe completing his 2nd  annual Europe tour.

He worked with groups and clients in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria.  In addition, he held 2 private retreats in Sarajevo and Sofia teaching individuals How-To-Channel offering unique insights on most effective and efficient tools to use for most safest and direct methods of uninterrupted channeling.

For most recent tour details and upcoming tour dates for 2024/2025, please visit our NEWS page.

European & Emirates Tour 2022

In September & October 2022, Anthony travelled across the world completing his first annual European, Russian and United Emirates tour.

He visited 11 countries while teaching, tutoring and working 1-on-1 with a diverse client base ranging from Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, EUA United Emirates, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium and UK.

For most recent tour details and dates, please visit our NEWS page.

USA Tour 2022

In May and June 2022, Anthony travelled across the United States completing his first annual USA tour.

He worked with groups and clients in Niagara Falls, Boston, Newark, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Dallas, Tucson, Phoenix, Sedona, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Buffalo, Newark, Denver and Chicago.

For most recent tour details and dates, please visit our NEWS page.

Would you like to learn more?

Connect with Anthony today!